Florida’s Voice for Early Learning
Your Business. Your Priorities. Your Voice.
The Florida Association for Child Care Management (FACCM) is a nonprofit, professional organization of child care programs dedicated to ensuring the highest quality in the early learning industry through advocacy, education and APPLE Accreditation. FACCM is the largest membership organization in Florida and with each new member, our collective voice can affect more change within our industry. We look forward to meeting you, hearing about your priorities, and being a resource for you and your school.
If you have any questions about joining FACCM, please email: info@faccm.org or call 1.800.322.2603.
Payment Terms and Conditions
All Membership (FACCM and SEEDS) and APPLE Annual Reporting invoices are billed annually on the anniversary of the membership. Portfolio Review/Verification Fees are due upon Electronic Portfolio Submission (please review the APPLE Manual located in the Member Hub for more specific instructions). Membership and APPLE Annual Reporting fees are due by the last day of the month; unpaid invoices are subject to a $50 late fee effective on the first day of the following month. Membership fees and Annual Reporting fees including late fees not received by end of second month are dropped including revocation of APPLE Accreditation and notification made to Gold Seal office as applicable. All fees are due in advance of services and nonrefundable. We accept most major credit cards and debit cards associated with a checking account in addition to checks made payable to The Florida Association for Child Care Management, Inc. (FACCM) and mailed to 4840 Dairy Rd. Suite 101 Melbourne, FL 32904.
Dues Disclaimer: “Contributions or gifts to Florida’s Voice for Early Learning are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. However, dues payments to The Florida Association for Child Care Management, Inc. (FACCM) may be tax deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses subject to restrictions imposed as a result of lobbying. For the year 2024 we estimate 26% of dues are related to the organization's lobbying activities. Please consult your tax advisor.”